Christian | Classical | Collaborative | Charlotte Mason | College Preparatory

15 years
of excellence
Christ-centered education
90% of students attend a four-year university
46 Dual Enrollment Credit Classes Offered
6 team sports offered
2 National Merit Commended Scholars and 1 National Merit Semi-Finalist with a perfect SAT score
Christian, Classical, and Charlotte Mason hands-on learning education
Our mission is to help each child capture the wonder and excitement of learning through Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum, including hands-on activities, exploration, interactive learning centers, and opportunities to interact with nature and science. Students enjoy gardening, an outdoor STEAM area, outdoor playground, music, Spanish, and building skills for Kindergarten.

Grammar school encompasses Kindergarten through 4th grade, during which time teachers foster a love of learning through hands-on activities, projects, songs and chants. Grammar students are on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays, and spend the remaining days learning at home alongside a parent co-teacher. We also offer Monday and Wednesday campus days where students can complete their work at school in a classroom setting.

Students in the School of Logic dive deeper into subjects and learn to use their critical thinking skills to "argue" and reason logically. Logic students develop the skills necessary for increased independent study and time management. Students are on campus Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and spend the remaining days completing school work at home with the supervision of a parent co-teacher. We also offer Wednesday campus days where students can complete their work at school in a classroom setting.
Click here for more information about our School of Logic...

Expanding upon the foundations laid during the Grammar and Logic stages, students in the School of Rhetoric mature into intentional critical thinkers. Our students leave Sterling not only with the knowledge and tools to succeed in college, but also with the desire to continue learning throughout their lives. Students enrolled in the School of Rhetoric follow a university schedule M-T which includes off periods and study hall.
Click here for more information about our School of Rhetoric...

Sterling's Five C's:
1) Christian: At Sterling we are unapologetically Christian, teaching from a Biblical worldview. This view is woven throughout all curriculum, and students are encouraged to evaluate all subject matter in light of Biblical truth.
2) Classical: During their time at Sterling, students progress through the three stages of learning called the Trivium- grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This type of education produces well-rounded students who are confident orators, writers, and critical thinkers with defined leadership abilities.
3) College Preparatory: Students are prepared for higher education through competitive K-12 curriculum, our advanced academic model, and the development of a well-rounded service and enrichment portfolio. Sterling is accredited through Advanc-Ed, and our students have the opportunity to graduate with 46 college hours.
4) Charlotte Mason: Sterling enhances the classical model of education with the philosophies of Charlotte Mason. Her method of hands-on learning and active student participation brings education to life on our campus.
5) Collaborative: Sterling is a University-Model school providing classroom instruction 2, 3, or 4 days per week depending on the grade level. On non-classroom days, the students remain at home to complete their lessons planned by Sterling teachers under the guidance and instruction of a co-teacher parent. This allows the parent to be an integral part of the student's education experience.
What is University Model Education?
At Sterling, we meet on a Tuesday/Thursday schedule for grades PreK through 4th, Monday/Tuesday/Thursday for 5th through 8th grade, and Monday-Thursday for 9th-12th grade. University-Model schools provide families with more time at home than traditional schooling, but also allows for the power of the classroom in a child’s education. They affirm the parents’ role as the primary influence in their children’s lives by redirecting time from the school back to the family.